Successfully Helping Others
~ Since 1990 ~
35 Griffith Rd.
Stratford, ON
N5A 6S4
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Our Team
Sales Representatives
Larry has been working in the feed business
since 1979 and has spent the last 36 years
researching animal health and nutrition. In 1990 Larry started putting his
knowledge into action by opening his own company The Best Pre-Mix.
Larry has helped the independent farmer for the last 25 years by creating new and innovative formulas to increase productivity on the farm while decreasing costs to the producer. He has developed each of his products to feed the animal their daily required vitamins and minerals so that the animals become healthier and produces more effectively. Larry also likes to personally visit each of his customers. After seeing how they run their operation he then creates a customized feeding program for them. At The Best we do believe that we can help the independent farmer succeed.
Because success really is helping others!
Operations Manager Production/Deliver Service
General Manager
Jeff Fleming Tim Flood
Regional Sales Manager and Nutritional Analyst
Ritchard Batten